Today, USF CERT was invited to a site visit at Walt Disney World's Emergency Operations Center (EOC), to get a behind the scenes look at how Disney's Emergency Management (EM) and security personnel work to "Protect the Magic" over all of Disney's Florida properties.
Students got a tour of both the EOC and the their Communications Center, seeing just how much effort goes into the emergency response at Walt Disney World. Disney EM works closely with both the Orange and Osceola County Sheriff's Offices, as well as numerous state and federal law enforcement agencies. The Reedy Creek Improvement District has its own fire department, which responds to the entire 40 square mile Disney property and can provide assistance to local agencies.

Disney's security forces rank among the top in the state of Florida, with its extensive network of different divisions to keep their over 250,000 daily guests and 77,000 cast members safe.
We look forward to strengthening the relationship with Disney EM and plan additional visits in the future, including roles in one of their many exercises.

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